Medical Sniffer Dogs

Application Eligibility & Requirements

Below are general guidelines which we follow when considering applicants for one of our Medial Alert Service Dogs. Applicants will be accepted regardless of race, sex, or religious preference. 

The applicant:

1. Must be at least 5 years of age. If an applicant is below the age of 18, he/she must have adequate support from his/her caregivers. Younger applicants may apply and will be considered on a case by case basis.

2. Has been diagnosed with a life-altering health condition for a minimum of twelve months.

3. Has a lack of awareness or inability to feel the early signs of changing biochemistry or fails to awaken prior to escalation of symptoms.

4. Is detrimentally affected by his/her health condition, has made every attempt to manage it by other means, and to whom we feel we can be most assistance.

5. Has frequent episodes of hypo- and/or hyperglycaemia, panic attacks, night terrors, seizures, syncope, or other biochemical events.


The applicant and any involved caregivers:

1. Are willing to regularly monitor his/her blood sugar levels, if applicable, and keep detailed records of episodes.

2. Are prepared to keep records of the dog and his/her training.

3. Are willing to accept the high level of commitment and work required for the ongoing training of a Medical Alert Service Dog.

4. Must be capable of actively participating in the learning process and continued training of the Service Dog and managing the dog correctly and safely.

5. Are willing and able to bond with, and care for, a Service Dog.

6. Must be able to meet the emotional, physical, and financial needs of the Service Dog and provide a stable home environment.

7. Has living arrangements, a lifestyle, and family/caregiver involvement that support the need for a Service Dog to increase the client’s independence and safety in activities of daily living.

8. Must understand that the Medical Alert Service Dog is a working dog, and once the team has met public access criteria, show this by wearing a Medical Sniffer Dogs cape whenever out in public. It is important to understand that when you are seen in public with a working dog, you are likely to attract attention to both yourself and your otherwise invisible health condition.

Our service dogs

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