Service dogs are not preprogrammed robots. They do sometimes make mistakes.

They need time and effort to acclimatize to your home and consistent, ongoing training to maintain their alerting skills.

They also need your attention, love, and affection in order to bond and to just be a dog. They still need to have opportunities to play and rest too.

Medical Sniffer Dogs

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By filling out the following form, you are confirming you have read the eligibility & requirements here for application and are ready to proceed further. If you are not yet ready to apply and have further questions, don’t hesitate to contact us today!

Medical Sniffer Dogs Application Inquiry

Please carefully consider whether you are looking for a dog with public access certification or one without.

As a service dog will be living and working with you, your child and family for the next 10-13 years, it is important to consider the needs of the person with the medical condition not only now but when he/she is a teenager/young adult. Ask yourself, “Considering the client’s age now, do you foresee that at some point in the next decade, he/she may need to have the dog accompany him/her to school, work, or even driving a car by themselves to increase their independence, safety, and peace of mind?”

Service dogs can be trained for either “public access” or “non-public access”.


Dogs trained with public access certification are allowed to go everywhere with their partner that the general public is allowed. For example, they may accompany their partner to grocery stores, shopping, recreation centres, public transit, restaurants, etc. They cannot go where the public is not allowed, such as the kitchen of a restaurant or the operating room of the hospital.

A non-public access service dog is just for at home, in the car, and places where pets are allowed to go. Some people find they need them mostly for night alerts, as they have other supports during the day at school or work. The non-public access dog MAY be able to accompany its partner to the hospital and doctor’s appointments if it is okayed with the facility.

Our service dogs

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